They call me Alaurilee

My photo
I've been writing poetry from the age of 12. It has, and always will be my outlet, my voice. Join me on my journey . . . I can write about almost anything. :) ~ Life doesn't come with a shiny new book; no users manual of answers to find with one look. Life comes with doors that open and shut; and paths laid before us to be followed or passed up. There's things we can learn and things we may teach; hearts that may find us and souls we may reach. Guaranteed on this journey are teacups of tears; and pains that might hurt us may age us by years. But the beauty of life, love, laughter and giving; come from serving hugs on a platter each and every day we're living. ~

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Heavens Littlest Cowboy

Durango born, this little cowboy
rode his way into our hearts.
The love he leaves will never go away.

With bright green eyes and a love for all,
many knew and loved him.
He'll be remembered each and every day.

Little Matt loved all things country--
horses and John Wayne,
and shooting prairie dogs with his dad.

And he had the coolest big brother Quentin.
He followed him everywhere.
He was the best big brother a boy ever had.

His sweet big sisters, Delana and Shelby,
adored him and loved him so.
He brought such joy and love to them.

And his dear Mama would hold him tight,
protective, but all out of love.
In her heart he will always be a beautiful gem.

Little Matthew lived his life,
fun and full of laughter,
and his time for Heaven came too soon.

God must have needed him
a bright and shiny cowboy.
with little boots and a heart as big as the moon!

Our hearts were blessed to know him,
even for a short while.
In our hearts he'll always live and breathe.

And one day soon we'll meet again,
somewhere sweet in heaven.
Our 'lil cowboy riding towards us carefree.

In memory of:
Matthew Dillon of NM - 4 yo
11-14-2005 thru 10-26-2010
Alaurilee © 2010